~As for me and my scraps, we will serve the LORD!~
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Monday, October 01, 2007

You are loved....

I just had a wonderful Bible study and wanted to share just a couple really quick thoughts...
I am reading Power of a Praying Parent, and today's study was on praying that our children will always feel confident b/c of the love we have for them...
In this book, Stormie Omartian made a couple points that really struck home with me....
She said that the opposite of being loved, is being rejected...simple enough, but I never really thought of it that way (lol to me the opposite of being love would be being hated). Any time we are rejected, that person, company, or group is saying "we don't love you/your work enough to accept you" and that hurts! but why is it that I can hear much more horrible things in a "rejection" than my husband or certain friends?..well she deals with that in this chapter too!
She says "Some people can let (rejection) roll off their backs because they know, deep within, that they are accepted. Others, however may bear deep emotional wounds from incident after incident of rejection.....A person who already feels rejected perceives everything as rejection-a mere look, a harmless word, and insignificant action".....
*light bulb moment*....this is a self perpetuating feeling!!! if a "rejected person" feels rejected by every look, action, or word, they will ALWAYS be stuck in the cycle of being an "already feeling rejected" person!....
As in all her books, Stormie has Bible verses that pertain to what she is saying, and what God says about each issue...As far as Love goes, she gives these verses...
Isaiah 41:9, God says "I have chosen you & not cast you away".....to be chosen by God?! to be loved enough to be told specifically "I have chosen YOU"....talk about being accepted...
and Romans 8:38-39 the Bible assures us that "neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, not height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord"....NOTHING can separate us from the love God has for His children!!!!
So I challenge you today to make someone feel loved....call up an old friend or family member just to say "hey, I was thinking about you today, and even though i may not have said it recently, I love you...." then leave it at that, don't get into a discussion about your last falling out, don't get into the apology game (you can do that, just during this call leave it at "I love you")...If you have kids, get to their level (if they are toddlers you will have to be on the floor, or if they are like my lane, you just have to look them straight in the eye lol) and tell them, "I love you...you are wonderful and I consider you a blessing..."
just a thought ;)
we all love to feel loved, and you never know who might have needed to hear that you love them plain and simple....;)
have a blessed monday and know that YOU are loved!!!!!


Carjazi - aka Diane said...

Wow, this is so inspiring! I got a list of people to call now. Thanks so much for sharing your beliefs. Love the new stuff you've got out at OAKS. Can't wait to start playing with it.

Carjazi - aka Diane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a beautiful post! You have a gorgeous Monday too!

Donna B. Miller said...

This truly sounds like a wonderful book. On the subject of rejection, one of my favorite quotes is "People don't do things TO you; they do things FOR themselves." Once I accepted this as a basic truth, life got a lot easier. Good luck with your journey.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful blog entry, I really enjoyed reading it! Have a fantastic week!

Sara E said...

hey girl.......

this is a fabulous way to start out Monday...


20Birds said...

oh sweetie, how do you do that? you dont blog for ever, then you blog with such power on a day that i need to remember he has chosen me, and will not cast me aside... i want to visit with you *pout pout*... come to my blog and leave me a comment

Brook said...

How awesome! What a great challenge!

Anonymous said...

The opposite of love is rejection...that's so true, but I never thought of it! I've always had that problem, you know, rejection just kills me. Anyway, thank you for a wonderful and thought provoking post. Of all the blogs I visit, I must say yours is the most uplifting. I look forward to more...again, thanks!